On 21 January 2012 23:06, James <pkx1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well if you look in
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/notation-big-page.html#custom-headers-footers-and-titles
> It explains things, although not specifically how to do this, but
> using the information here and information from ly:titling-init.ly
> file which defines many of these rules for how book and score part
> titles work.
> I came up with a bit of a crude method that might be good enough for you.
> I've attached your file with my modifications here:
> but basically with a bit of trial and error I commented out the
> print-all-headers in your \paper { } block, added the scoreTitleMarkup
> = \markup { .. } block within your \paper. This variable is taken from
> the ly:titling-init.ly directly and then I modified it.

OK, I did not follow carefully the conversation but what I can say is
that if you mean to modify the footer, you should definitely consider
modifying "oddFooterMarkup", not "scoreTitleMarkup".

A solution involving a defined variable (called "thisScoreCopyright"
for instance) that would be then called in oddFooterMarkup should be

> Now the 'hack' was to add the two \fill-line { \null } lines inside
> the scoreTitleMarkup as I couldn't workout how to move the score title
> away from the main title - just add more instances of this \fill-line
> to add more 'line space'.

There is the \vspace command to add vertical space.

> What I couldn't work out (apart from the \null as line spacing) was
> how to put the copyright on the *bottom* of the page. I also added
> some \huge \larger \bold etc markups to show you how you can fiddle
> with the sizes if you want to.
> It isn't as elegant as I am sure it could be, but it seems to work ok.
> Oh I used 2.14.1 as that is what I have installed but I expect this
> still to be ok for 2.12.

2.12 is by far outdated anyway.
When I reply to people still using 2.12 I give the answer with the 2.14
syntax, with a warning, and I suggest to update to 2.14 (at least).


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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