Thomas Morley <> wrote:
> Of course the upgrade was suggested. But it doesn't
> solve the problem.
> 2.12.3 cuts off the markup (see the first attached png)
> 2.14.2 moves the NoteColumn (see the second png). This is ugly, too.
> (same with 2.15.20)

That's what I mean. I don't think it's "ugly" -- I would expect Lilypond to do 
exactly that. Add additional space, so that the markup can be added completely 
to the measure (as James said) wrote:
> For now, no - it's codable into lilypond's spacing engine but'd take some
> time. Why not just put a \noBreak at the end of the bar?  It'll prevent the
> spillover in most cases.

That's the solution for my problem -- so simple I didn't sse it ;-)
But anyway, it's not really "nice" in my opinion, a good solution would be 
what Thomas wrote:

Thomas Morley <> wrote:
> But I was looking for an automated optional method to insert \break
> before the bar with the long markup-text, as Tobias requested in his
> initial mail.

That's it!

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