Hi y'all,

I'm trying to include a direction in the 'meter' section of the header
block that says this:

"Heavy four-beat swing (quaver[ quaver] = quaver[ quaver])"

I tried following the instructions given at
http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=204, but nothing would appear in
the 'meter' heading at all. Here's a watered-down version of what I tried:

rhythmMark = #(define-music-function (parser location label musicI musicII
) (string? ly:music? ly:music?)
      \markup {
        \line \vcenter {
          \combine                     % 1st column in line
            \italic \fontsize #rhythmMarkLabelFontSize $label
            \transparent \italic \fontsize #rhythmMarkLabelFontSize f
                % This fakes a uniform baseline (ie. create common anchor
for vcenter)

          \score {                     % 2nd column in line
            \new Staff \with {
              fontSize = #rhythmMarkStaffReduce
              \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep
              \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #0
              \override VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)  % td
              \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 0) %RV

            \relative { \stemUp $musicI }

            \layout {
              ragged-right= ##t
              indent = 0
              \context {
                \remove "Clef_engraver"
                \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
            } % layout

          } % 1st Score end

          \hspace #-0.1                % 3rd column in line

                                       % 4th column in line
          \italic \fontsize #rhythmMarkStaffReduce "="

          \score {                     % 5th column in line

            \new Staff \with {
              fontSize = #rhythmMarkStaffReduce
              \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep
              \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #0
              \override VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)  % td
              \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 0) %RV

            \relative { \stemUp $musicII }

            \layout {
              ragged-right= ##t
              indent = 0
              \context {
                \remove "Clef_engraver"
                \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
            } % layout end

          } % 2nd Score end

        } % line end
      } % markup end

rhyMarkIIEighths = {
  % \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'common-shortest-duration =
#(ly:make-moment 1 4) % tight
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'common-shortest-duration =
#(ly:make-moment 3 16) % even
  b'8[ b8]

 \header {
 title = "My piece"
 meter = \rhythmMark #"Heavy four-beat swing" \rhyMarkIIEighths

 \score {
 \relative c' {c1}

I'm afraid I don't have a programming background, so when things get
complicated like this, I hit a dead-end pretty quickly. Can somebody help?

Many thanks,

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