On Feb 1, 2012, at 7:42 PM, AkselJ wrote:

> Hey,
> I just started using LilyPond, but I'm having trouble with bar lines being 
> misplaced. I'm certain this is partly due to the fact I write my current 
> piece 
> in 15/24, and partly due to using triplets with only two notes. Anyhow, is 
> there 
> any way to prevent LilyPond to insert bar lines?
> Thanks,
> --Aksel

mm...there is, but LilyPond knows how to handle 15/24 and knows how to handle 
triplets with two, twenty, or pi notes.  are you sure that everything in your 
piece adds up correctly?  you can try bar checks - they will show you the 
fraction of the measure that is done with the bar hits, which'll give you hints 
about where to correct the rhythm.

to prevent barlines, you can do \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = ##f

But it is uber kludgy.  Then again, I'm not one to frown upon kludges.  Then 
then again, I'd recommend checking the piece first to make sure that the timing 
is spot on, as LilyPond can handle it.

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