Hello Hans,

On 07.02.2012 20:42, Hans Aikema wrote:
On 6-2-2012 12:19, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote:
Hello Joe,

I sometimes use this:
#(set! paper-alist (cons '("wide" . (cons (* 15 cm) (* 3 cm))) paper-alist))
\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "wide")

\score {
  \relative c'' {
    bes4 a c b

\paper {
    paper-width = 15\cm
    paper-height = 3\cm

Also does the job AFAIK and seems more intuitive for the common user I would say. Any idea whether using paper-width/paper-heigt settings instead of defining a new paper size has (unwanted) implications on other parts of the lay-out that can be avoided by using the paper-alist?
yes it does the job of setting width and height, but I understand the docs ( http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/notation/paper-size-and-automatic-scaling#setting-paper-size ) that not all automatic scaling and adjusting is done.
This might not be a problem, but one should know about it.
If you try this small snippet:
#(set! paper-alist (cons '("logo" . (cons (* 10 cm) (* 5 cm))) paper-alist))
% uncomment either set-paper-size or paper-width/-height
\paper {
% setting paper size
  %#(set-paper-size "logo")
% setting paper-width and -height
  %paper-width = 10\cm
  %paper-height = 5\cm
\relative c' {
  c4 e g b
you can reproduce the difference.
This is the reason, I prefer the "schemish" solution.


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