Thanks to Nick here is something that works correctly under 2.12.3,
sorry I haven't anything higher to test it under.

\override NoteHead #'rotation = #'(-60 0 0)
  \override NoteHead #'text = #( markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s1" )
  \override NoteHead #'X-offset = #-1.24 \repeat tremolo 4 { e16[ c16]}
 \repeat tremolo 4{  e16[ c16]}


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 8:47 PM, Nick Payne <> wrote:
> On 24/02/12 15:29, J Ruiz wrote:
> Pls help typesetting command for these 19th cent notation: quarter-notes
> with reversed half-note heads.
> This puts the noteheads and beam in the right place, but I haven't been able
> to figure out how to get the stems to go downwards - in fact, after the
> rotation of the noteheads you can see that there is a very short nib of stem
> projecting up from the right hand side of the noteheads:
> \relative c'' {
>     \override NoteHead  #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>     \override NoteHead #'text = #( markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s1" )
>     \override NoteHead #'rotation = #'(-60 0 0)
>     \override Stem #'direction = #RIGHT
>     \override Beam #'positions = #'(-2 . -3)
>     e16[ c] e c
> }
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