On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 6:30 AM, Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2012/3/5 -Eluze <elu...@gmail.com>:
> > O.K. - see attachment - I am interested in the "R" at the end of even
> >> verses (symbol "R" I've created).
> gregorian.ly defines \ij \iij etc for prefixing and a two \responsum
> and \versus functions which do not seem to work. However, the unicode
> symbols used there still serve, see
> \include "gregorian.ly"
> { c' }
> \addlyrics { \set stanza = ℟ Do }
> \addlyrics { \set stanza = ℣ Do }
> Forwarding to bug-lilypond because this should workk but it doesn't:
> % %%% BEGIN
> \include "gregorian.ly"
> letraUno = \lyricmode { \versus { Do Do } }
> letraDos = \lyricmode { \responsum { Do Do } }
> { c' d' }
> \addlyrics \letraUno
> \addlyrics \letraDos
> % %%%END

Thank you for the report, Francisco and Eluze.  I could not reproduce the
problem, because Lilypond crashes. I have submitted it as issue 2380 :

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