Hi all,

I think it's a tribute to the lilypond documentation that it's a rare instance when I can't find the answer to my questions there; however, this is one of those rare instances :)

I'm trying to find a way in which to extend a beam horizontally so that it spans the full duration of a note.

I suppose that in an ideal world this would mean a beam spanner covering \afterGrace.

Is is possible to somehow (via scheme perhaps) grab the position of a grace note and extend the beam right-extent (or some such) to this position? Or is there some other way in which I can tackle this problem?

Below is a mock up of the sort of thing I'm after (though obviously the positioning here is just effected by altering Stem #'stencil):

\version "2.14"
\relative c'' {
        \once \override Stem #'layer = #2
        \once \override Stem #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
        \once \override Stem #'text = \markup \combine
\raise #2 \override #'(thickness . 1) \draw -line #'(0 . 1.9)
\fontsize #-4 \raise #2 \center -align \with -color #white \draw -circle #0.25 #0.5 ##f
\raise #2 \draw -circle #0.5 #0.035 ##f
\raise #1.775 \fontsize #-9
\center -align
\raise #4.25 \fontsize #-7 \translate #'(0.00525 . 0) \left -align \musicglyph #"flags.u3"
        \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
        g] \bar "|"


#(set-global-staff-size 32)

any help would be greatly appreciated,

piaras hoban

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