On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Nick Payne
<nick.pa...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> On 25/03/12 10:31, Michael Ellis wrote:
>> mymusic = {
>>    \time 4/4
>>    \repeat volta 2 {
>>  g'1
>>       \barNumberCheck #2
>>    }
>>    c'1
>>    \barNumberCheck #3
>> }
> Use the "|" character instead for barchecks:

Ah, the problem with constructing minimal examples! In real
transcriptions, I use "|"  after each measure and  \barNumberCheck
after groups of 5 to 10 measures.   Barchecks help me catch rhythm
errors within a measure whereas barNumberChecks catch omitted or extra
measures.  I find them both extremely useful and would hate to give up
either. Hence the question.

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