Hi Ádám,

> I tried to use the frame engraver of this thread, but I was unable to do
> so. I'm constantly getting 'syntax error, unexpected EVENT_IDENTIFIER'
> errors and the LilyPond compiler won't recognize the \frameStart and
> \frameEnd commands. The only thing I changed was the version number itself,
> as I'm using the stable version (2.14.2). Do you have any idea what the
> problem could be? Or is this code using some specific feature of 2.15?

I can't explain the difference in behavior, but with 2.14.2 you need to put
\frameEnd and \frameStart after the note.  So, the following can be
substituted into the file attached earlier in this thread:

\relative c'' {
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
  \once \override Frame #'extender-length = #8
   dis'8[ \frameStart e f  ges] \frameEnd s2
  \once \override Frame #'extender-length = #11
   d,8[ \frameStart e f  g] \frameEnd s2
  \once \override Staff.BarLine #'X-extent = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) % line can
cross bar line
  \once \override Frame #'extender-length = #3.5
   fis'8[ \frameStart bes,, aes, e''] \frameEnd

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