Sorry, meant to include this:
%{TB65-66%} ef4~ ef16 f16) g8 f4. af8 | %new TBk doesn't have the whole
\new Voice = "Tenor" {
\voiceOne { \TTj \TBk g1~ | g1  } }
\new Voice = "Bass" {
\voiceTwo { \BBj \TBk s1~ | s1  } }

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:29 AM, Mark Mathias <> wrote:

> (1) Try altering your TBk variable to not include the tied whole note,
> then add the whole note to one Voice and add a space instead of a whole
> note to the other Voice.
> (2) Someone else will have to help you with your second question.
> May I suggest that you carve your sample down to a Very Tiny Example? It
> will make it easier for someone to help you.
> Best Wishes,
> Mark
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:50 PM, MING TSANG <> wrote:
>> Two questions:
>> (1) how can I have partcombine works on whole note - refer to bar #6 of
>> png file?
>> (2) how can I have slash on the grace notes beam - refer to piano RH -
>> bar #4?
>> Appreciate the help.
>> <><><><>snippet
>> \version "2.14.2"
>> \include ""
>> #(define (rest-score r)
>>  (let ((score 0)
>>  (yoff (ly:grob-property-data r 'Y-offset))
>>  (sp (ly:grob-property-data r 'staff-position)))
>>  (if (number? yoff)
>>  (set! score (+ score 2))
>>  (if (eq? yoff 'calculation-in-progress)
>>  (set! score (- score 3))))
>>  (and (number? sp)
>>  (<= 0 2 sp)
>>  (set! score (+ score 2))
>>  (set! score (- score (abs (- 1 sp)))))
>>  score))
>> #(define (merge-rests-on-positioning grob)
>>  (let* ((can-merge #f)
>>  (elts (ly:grob-object grob 'elements))
>>  (num-elts (and (ly:grob-array? elts)
>>  (ly:grob-array-length elts)))
>>  (two-voice? (= num-elts 2)))
>>  (if two-voice?
>>  (let* ((v1-grob (ly:grob-array-ref elts 0))
>>  (v2-grob (ly:grob-array-ref elts 1))
>>  (v1-rest (ly:grob-object v1-grob 'rest))
>>  (v2-rest (ly:grob-object v2-grob 'rest)))
>>  (and
>>  (ly:grob? v1-rest)
>>  (ly:grob? v2-rest)
>>  (let* ((v1-duration-log (ly:grob-property v1-rest 'duration-log))
>>  (v2-duration-log (ly:grob-property v2-rest 'duration-log))
>>  (v1-dot (ly:grob-object v1-rest 'dot))
>>  (v2-dot (ly:grob-object v2-rest 'dot))
>>  (v1-dot-count (and (ly:grob? v1-dot)
>>  (ly:grob-property v1-dot 'dot-count -1)))
>>  (v2-dot-count (and (ly:grob? v2-dot)
>>  (ly:grob-property v2-dot 'dot-count -1))))
>>  (set! can-merge
>>  (and
>>  (number? v1-duration-log)
>>  (number? v2-duration-log)
>>  (= v1-duration-log v2-duration-log)
>>  (eq? v1-dot-count v2-dot-count)))
>>  (if can-merge
>>  ;; keep the rest that looks best:
>>  (let* ((keep-v1? (>= (rest-score v1-rest)
>>  (rest-score v2-rest)))
>>  (rest-to-keep (if keep-v1? v1-rest v2-rest))
>>  (dot-to-kill (if keep-v1? v2-dot v1-dot)))
>>  ;; uncomment if you're curious of which rest was chosen:
>>  ;;(ly:grob-set-property! v1-rest 'color green)
>>  ;;(ly:grob-set-property! v2-rest 'color blue)
>>  (ly:grob-suicide! (if keep-v1? v2-rest v1-rest))
>>  (if (ly:grob? dot-to-kill)
>>  (ly:grob-suicide! dot-to-kill))
>>  (ly:grob-set-property! rest-to-keep 'direction 0)
>>  (ly:rest::y-offset-callback rest-to-keep)))))))
>>  (if can-merge
>>  #t
>>  (ly:rest-collision::calc-positioning-done grob))))
>>  global = {\key c\major \time 4/4 \tempo 4 = 63}
>>  TTj = \relative c {
>> %{TT61-62%} ef2 r8. bf16 ef8 ef8 | ef4( c4 d8) d16 d16 b8 b8 |
>> %{TT63 %} c2~ c2 |
>>  }
>>  BBj = \relative c {
>> %{BB61-62%} bf2 r8. g16 g8 g8 | af2( g8) g16 g16 g8 g8 |
>> %{BB63 %} c2( c2) |
>>  }
>> %------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  TBk = \relative c {
>> %{TB64 %} r2 r4 ef8 d16 ef(~ |
>> %{TB65-66%} ef4~ ef16 f16) g8 f4. af8 | g1~ | g1
>>  }
>> PianoRH = \relative c' { \global
>> %{rh61 %} <ef g bf>4~ q8 <g bf ef g>16 <af ef' af>16 <bf ef bf'>8. ef16
>> <ef g bf ef>8 <d g bf d>8
>> %{rh62 %} <c ef af c>4 c,16 g16 af16 c16 <f, a c d>4 <d' f d'>8 <d g d'>8
>> %{rh63 %} <<{ <g c ef>4~ q4 <af ef'>2 }\\{ ef4~ ef8 ef16 r8 af,8 <c~ g'>8
>> <c f>8 }>>
>> %{rh64 %} <<{ r8 bf''16 af16 ef16 df16 bf16 af16 ef8[ \grace{ bf16[ ef16]
>> } bf8] <ef, af ef'>4 }\\{ <f bf ef>2. s4 }>>
>> %{rh65 %} <g bf ef>2\stemUp <af c f>2
>> %{rh66 %} <g bf ef g>2 <c ef f af>2 r1
>> }
>> %------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> PianoLH = \relative c { \global \clef bass
>> %{lh61 %} <<{ r16 bf16 ef16 f16 s2 r16 ef16 bf'8 }\\{ ef,,4 g'8 <ef bf'
>> ef>16 <f f'>16 <g bf ef g>4 g,4 }>>
>> %{lh62 %} <<{ s4 <af, af'>4 <g g'>4 s4 }\\{ <af' ef' c'>4\arpeggio s2 <g
>> d' b'>4\arpeggio }>>
>> %{lh63 %} <<{ r16 g16 c16 d16 ef16 g16 c8 <f, c'>2 }\\{c,2 r4 c'4 }>>
>> %{lh64 %} <df, af'>2. <cf gf'>4_-
>> %{lh65 %} <<{ bf'2 bf2 }\\{ bf,4 bf4 bf4 bf4 }>>
>> %{lh66 %} <<{ bf'2 bf2 }\\{ bf,4 bf4 bf4 bf4 }>> r1
>> }
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SA_TB seperate + piano staff
>> % {
>> \score {
>>  \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_score" <<
>>  \new ChoirStaff <<
>>  \new Staff \with { \override RestCollision #'positioning-done =
>> #merge-rests-on-positioning
>>  }<<
>>  \clef "bass"
>>  \global \partcombine
>>  \new Voice = "Tenor" {
>>  \voiceOne { \TTj \TBk }}
>>  \new Voice = "Bass" {
>>  \voiceTwo { \BBj \TBk }}
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  \new PianoStaff <<
>>  \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
>>  \new Staff = "RH" { \global \PianoRH }
>>  \new Staff = "LH" { \global \clef bass \PianoLH }
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  \layout { indent = #'0
>>  \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
>>  \context {
>>  \Staff
>>  \override TimeSignature #'style = #'()
>>  }
>>  }
>>  \midi {
>>  \context { }
>>  \context { \Staff \remove "Dynamic_performer" }
>>  }
>> }
>> <><><>end
>> Blessing in+,
>> Ming.
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