Maybe a simple question: Is there a way to flatten the curve of a tie that is 
as easy as overriding "ratio" for slurs?

I found "control-points" and this does change the tie's shape. But, I don't 
need to modify the x-extent, only the y-extent. It looks to me as if overriding 
the control points means that I would have to re-edit the control points by 
hand if horizontal spacing changes (which could happen, say, if I take the 
piece to the US and have to change the paper to letter size instead of A4).

I found TieColumn's Y-extent property, but overriding it like this takes no 

            \once \override TieColumn #'Y-extent = #'(1 . 1.5)

Also doesn't change the result in any way if the pair of numbers is reversed: 
(1.5 . 1).

Searched LSR for "tie," didn't find anything quite like this. I'm fairly sure a 
scheme function could handle it, but I'm probably a good year or two away from 
being able to attempt something like that on my own.

Thanks in advance --

James Harkins /// dewdrop world

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Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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