Greetings All,
          When set to bracket style, the spanner seems broken in this passage
which utilizes spacer rests, a cross-staff voice, and a \times
command. In the first two measures, it ends at the fourth beat instead
of continuing to the downbeat of the next measure. The third measure
is correctly engraved. Am I missing something obvious?
          Many thanks for any help.
Hwaen Ch'uqi

\version "2.14.2"

  \new PianoStaff<<
    \new Staff = up{
      \key c \major \time 4/4 \clef treble \relative{
        \stemDown \times 2/3 {dis8-4\p cis b} a8*2/3 \change Staff = down
\stemUp g_1 f dis f g \change Staff = up \stemDown a b cis %1
            dis cis b a \change Staff = down \stemUp g f dis f g \change
Staff = up \stemDown a b cis %2
            dis cis b a \change Staff = down \stemUp g f \change Staff = up
\stemNeutral \clef bass s2 %3
    \new Staff = down{
      \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket
      \key c \major \time 4/4 \clef bass \relative{
            s1\sustainOn %1
            s\sustainOff\sustainOn %2
            s2\sustainOff\sustainOn \stemUp dis,8*2/3 cis \change Staff = up
\stemDown b-4 a g f %3

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