>-----Original Message-----
>From: lilypond-user-bounces+peter=mainegeek2go....@gnu.org
>bounces+peter=mainegeek2go....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of Helge Kruse
>Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 15:13
>To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
>Subject: Notation of french horn
>I am typesetting a concerto in G major. There are two brass instruments
(french horns). I am
>was told that these staves should be written without key an without
accidentals at the notes.
>I don't have neither experience with playing praxis of horns nor with
notation for this kind
>of instruments.
>What is the best way to do this? Should I write it without all the F#
notes? Or is there
>anything like transposing from normal notation to horn (or brass) notation?
>transposing the change of all pitches by a value, not the change of a
selection of pitches,
>isn't it?
>As an example here are the firs five measures of three instruments
>\version "2.14.2"
>CornoOneAllegro = \relative c'' {
>   \clef treble
>   c4 c c r | % 1
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 2
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 3
>   g4 g g r8 d' | % 4
>   e4 fis8 e e d r4 | % 5
>CornoTwoAllegro = \relative c' {
>   \clef treble
>   \key g \major
>   c4 c c r | % 1
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 2
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 3
>   g'4 g g r8 d' | % 4
>   e4 fis8 e e d r4 | % 5
>AllegroHarpRight = \relative c' {
>     \clef treble \key g \major \tempo Allegro
>     R1*5
>AllegroHarpLeft = \relative c{
>     \clef bass \key g \major
>     g'4 g r8 g32( fis g16) g,8 r      | % 1
>     r2 r8 g'32( fis g16) g,8 r      | % 2
>     r2 r8 g'32( fis g16) g,8 r      | % 3
>     fis' g fis e d4 r8 fis      | % 4
>     g4 c, d8 d, r4      | % 5
>     \score {
>       \new StaffGroup <<
>         \new Staff=CornoOne { \CornoOneAllegro  }
>         \new Staff=CornoTwo { \CornoTwoAllegro }
>         \new PianoStaff <<
>           \context Staff=right \AllegroHarpRight
>           \context Staff=left \AllegroHarpLeft
>         >>
>       >>
>       }

I've been playing horn for almost a half century.

Music before 20th century for horn was written without key signature.
Players of the
natural horn (no valves) played music transposed to the key of their
instruments without key

You should write the music a perfect fourth higher than it will sound and
omit the key
signature. You should include accidentals as they occur.

In your example, CornoOne looks correct to me. The harp and the Horns are
playing in unison(octaves) for the first 2 notes

Be content; it is your birthright.
Peter Wannemacher

(207) 205-3960

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