Please excuse if I post a linux question here, but I'd prefer not to have to find a dedicated forum and subscribe there first ...

I have a project with more than two dozens of lilypond scores. For several reasons I have them in individual files which I can't \include in a master file. I would like to write a script that allows me to compile all .ly files in one run.
For this I need the following which I didn't find through Google:
How can I sequentially cd to all subdirectories that start with a number?
What I want is to do

cd 01_01_...
lilypond *.ly
cd ..
cd 01_02_...

in a form like

for dir in [get me all directories starting with a number]
cd $dir
lilypond *.ly
cd ..

This _has_ to be absolutely simple, but I didn't manage do find out how so far.

Many thanks for any assistance.

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