Greetings Ahley,
You wrote
I teach drum kit, and I've started using Lilypond to produce short examples of various beats. I'm attaching my first attempt: a single sheet, in PDF format. ..... snip

Perhaps the following might be of help?


\version "2.15.30"

#(set-global-staff-size 45) %adjust to suit
        tagline = " "

\paper {
  top-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #10 %adjust to suit
  score-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #15 %adjust to suit
  last-bottom-spacing #'basic-distance = #10
musicA = \relative c'
{ \drummode { \repeat unfold 4 { bd8 hh8 } } }
musicB = \relative c'
{ \drummode { \repeat unfold 4 { bd8 hh8 } } }
musicC = \relative c'
{ \drummode { \repeat unfold 4 { bd8 hh8 } } }

    \new DrumStaff  { \musicA }

    \new DrumStaff { \musicB }

    \new DrumStaff { \musicC }

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