2012/5/21 Susan Dittmar <susan.ditt...@gmx.de>:
> Dear Urs,
> I just have one thing to add to the discussion: *do* use one of the
> repository tools! No matter which one (you had some suggestions already),
> but do use one!

I'd like to add just one more idea. You could use a CVS such as Git,
and maybe you'd want to keep distributed folders synced by a tool such
as Unison. Unison is able of niceties like merging of files that
differ or spreading changes across ssh. But --here is the point--
don't use both Git and Unison. It is a mess. I talk from experience.

Speaking about Git, it's been said that you should only push to bare
repositories, not checked-out ones. A good suggestion, follow it.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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