The following music doesn't compile on the mac and causes a segfault on Linux.

Mac OSX Lion
Ubuntu 12.04

LilyPond Versions
2.14.2-1 (mac)
2.14.2-2 (ubu from apt-get)

Command from ubu:
jbarnes@jbarnes-OptiPlex-780:~/mac/Documents/apc/music$ lilypond 
GNU LilyPond 2.14.2
Processing `'
Interpreting music... 
Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32]Segmentation fault (core dumped)

There was no core file in the directory. Ubuntu sent a crash report yesterday.

1) There is no error message when compiling (Cmd+R) on the mac. It silently 
2) If you uncomment out the lines indicated and comment out the lines following 
it will compile (2 places in the file).
3) if you remove the music after the problem areas, keeping the voice structure 
intact, it will compile.

Any help appreciated.


\version "2.14.2"

pianoRH = \relative c''' {
  \time 4/4
  \key d \major

    \new Voice {
        a8 a a a a4. a8
        <a fis> <b g>4. ~ <b g>4 fis8 g
        a a <a d,> <fis a,> <a d,>4. b8
% uncomment the following line and comment out the next
%        <d, b a fis>2 <d b g e>4 <fis cis>8 <g dis>
         r8 <cis ais>16 e <d fis,> d, <gis eis> b <a fis d b>2
        a a a a a4 a8 a
        <a fis cis> <b g d> ~ <b g d> a16 a <g d g,>4 <fis cis fis,>
        r4 \times 8/7 { dis32 e g b d c b } \times 8/7 { gis a c e g fis e } 
\times 8/7 { dis e g b d c b }
        \times 8/7 { a g fis e d c b } \times 8/7 { a g fis e d cis b } a4 
<fis'' dis b fis>8 <g e c g>
        a a a a a4. <a a,>8
        <a fis d a> <b g e b>4. r4 <fis cis ais fis>8 <g ees bes g>
        <a fis d a> <a e cis a> <a fis d a> fis \times 2/3 { <a e cis a>4 <a 
fis d a> <b b,> }
        <d, g,>8 <b d,> <g b,> fis16 g <a fis dis>8 <g e c> <fis dis b> <g e c>
        a a a a a4 a8 a
        <a fis d a> <b g d b>4 a8 <g d g,>4 <a fis d a>
        <g b,>8 <fis a,> <e g,>4 <e c aes g>2
        <e d b g>
\times 2/3 { <a fis d a>4 <b gis e b> <cis ais fis cis> }

        r4 <d' g,>16 <b d,> <b d,> <g b,> <g b,> <d g,> <d g,> <b d,> <b d,> <g 
b,> <g b,>16 a
        <b g d>2 \times 2/3 { <cis ais fis cis>4 <d d,> <e e,> }
        <a, e cis>2 ~ <a e cis>8 fis <a e d>4
        <b d,>2.. <fis dis cis ais>8
        \times 2/3 { <g e d b>4 <e g,> <fis a,> } <g b,>2
        r4 e8 e <d g,>4 <e a,>
        fis2 g
        a \times 2/3 { <a e cis a>4 <b b,> <cis cis,> }
            <d b g d>1
          } \\ {
            r8. <d' g, d>16 <d g, d>8. <b d, b>16 <b d, b>8. <g b, g>16 <g b, 
g>8 <fis fis,>
        <g d g,>2 \times 2/3 { <cis, ais fis cis>4 d e }
        a,2 <fis cis fis,>4. e8
        d2.. fis8
        \times 2/3 { <g b,>4 <e g,> <fis a,> } <g b,>2
        r4 e8 e <d b g>4 cis
        \change Staff = "bss"
        <d fis,>8 <a d,> <d fis,> <fis a,> <d fis,> <fis a,> \change Staff = 
"trbl" <a d,> <d fis,>
        <fis a,>2. <fis' cis fis,>4
    \new Voice {
      <e,, cis a>1
      <d b>2. <cis ais fisis>4
      <e cis a>4 s2.
% uncomment the following line and comment out the next
%     s2. <ais, fisis>4
      <d b a fis> <ais, fisis>4
      <fis' e cis a>2. <fis d a>8 <e cis a>
      <e b e,>1
      <fis' d a>2.. s8
      <fis, d a>8 <fis d a> <fis d a> <e cis a> <fis d a>4 <e cis a>8 <fis d a>
      << {
        <d' a fis d>
         } \\ {
        s4 b16 g g d d b b g g d d8
      e'8 cis d e d b cis d16 e
      fis2 s2
      cis8 b bes a gis2

pianoLH = \relative c' {
  \tempo 4 = 120
  \time 4/4 
  \key d \major
  d,,4 <fis' a,>2.
  g,16 b d e \times 4/6 { fis e d cis b a } \times 4/6 { g fis e d cis b } a16 
b f' ees
  d4 <fis' a,>2.
  g,4 ~ g16 fis e d c4 a
  <a' d,>2 <fis' a,>
  g,16 d' e fis <g b,>4 <b, e,> <a d,>
  <g c,>2 b,
  a2. <fis''' cis g>4
  d,, <fis' a,>2.
  g,4 <g' b,>2 <g a,>4
  d,2 <fis' a,>2
  g,4 <g' b,> <g a,>2
  d,8 a' fis' a, d, a' fis'4
  g,8 d' g4 <b, e,> <a d,>
  <g c,>2 bes,
  <g g,>1
  <a a,>2 <g' a,>
  <a fis,>2. <ais cis,>4
  \times 4/6 {b,,16 fis' b cis16 d cis } \times 4/6 { b fis d b fis d } b2
  <b'' e,>2 <g' e,>4 <a fis,> 
  <b g,>2 b,8 a16 b cis4 
  <fis d>2 <g e,>
      a16 g fis e d a fis e d2
      \change Staff = "trbl"
      s8. <g'' d b>16 <g d b>8. <d b g>16 <d b g>8. <b g d>16 <b g d>4
    } \\ {
      fis,2 s2
  <g' e,>2 <g a,>4 g,
  fis2 ais
  b b,
  d, ~
  d2 r4 <fis'' cis ais>

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
    \new Staff = "trbl" { \pianoRH }
    \new Staff = "bss" { \clef bass \pianoLH }
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

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