This is great!

one question: How did you manage to create that endless, one-system layout?


Am 23.05.2012 20:15, schrieb FireTight:
my name is Jiri "FireTight" Szabo and I would like to introduce program
ly2video to you. This program can generate videos from your LilyPond
projects that contains moving music staff, which is synchronized to music (
examples ). If you are interested, you can download it
here . I hope you will enjoy it! :)

What do you need to use ly2video?
- Python 2.7
- GNU LilyPond 2.14.2
- FFmpeg
- TiMidity++

How to use it:
Just call " [options]" from command line.

-h, --help: show help message and exit
-i FILE, --input=FILE: input LilyPond project
-o FILE, --output=FILE: name of output video (e.g. "myNotes.avi", default is
input + .avi)
-c COLOR, --color=COLOR: name of color of middle bar (default is "red")
-f FPS, --fps=FPS: frame rate of final video (default is "30")
-r HEIGHT, --resolution=HEIGHT: resolution of final video (options: 360,
720, 1080, default is "720")
--title-at-start: adds title screen at the start of video (with name of song
and its author)
--title-delay=SECONDS: time to display the title screen (default is "3"
--windows-ffmpeg=PATH: (for Windows users) folder with ffpeg.exe (e.g.
--windows-timidity=PATH: (for Windows users) folder with timidity.exe (e.g.

Known issues:
- music written with "\partial" command can cause a lot of bugs
- commands like "\override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace"" skip notes
- videos created with title screen can have some bitrate issues

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