Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanw...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:17 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> It would be nice to have fewer incompatible modes, and simpler ways of
>> extending them.
>> And "the C++ must go" with regard to how LilyPond can be extended.  If
>> parts of LilyPond require "object orientation", then the respective
>> tools need to be available from Scheme.  No user can be expected to
>> recompile.
> Just a word of caution: scheme is a dynamic language, so programming
> errors will only discovered at runtime, which requires a lot of
> investment in testing.

> I think that the current setup where large parts are in C++ is pretty
> good, since it gets us both type checking and runtime speed.

Well, I prefer reasonably pinpointable runtime errors over crashes.
Mike is a big fan of C++ and admits to not understanding garbage
collection.  And we had several hard to track down errors with strange
symptoms because of that combination already.  When programming In
Scheme, you don't need to know about garbage collection.

> (the thought of having to go in and change -let's say- the
> partcombiner without breaking anything makes me shudder.)

Just recently I fixed a bad loop condition causing unprotected memory in
the part combiner...  Had been there for eternities.

We have things like

    Time_signature_engraver::process_music ()
        not rigorously safe, since the value might get GC'd and
        reallocated in the same spot */
      SCM fr = get_property ("timeSignatureFraction");
      if (!time_signature_
          && last_time_fraction_ != fr
          && scm_is_pair (fr))

Scary comment, right?  Also wrong because of

    Time_signature_engraver::derived_mark () const
      scm_gc_mark (last_time_fraction_);

Both sections written by you, though admittedly the latter section in
2005, and the former in 2000 when it may have been accurate still.

Bad input tends to let LilyPond segfault.  You need C++ for that: it is
not possible in Scheme alone.  Take a look at listener.cc, one of our
simplest C++ classes with things like

Listener::mark_smob (SCM sm)
  Listener *me = (Listener *) SCM_CELL_WORD_1 (sm);
  if (me->type_)
    (me->type_->mark_callback) (me->target_);
  return SCM_EOL;

GET_LISTENER.  If you want to figure out what it does as an average
programmer, you'll spend a day.

It creates a simple closure.  A trivial one-liner in Scheme.  No need to
create a "type" tag and/or mark stuff.

David Kastrup

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