On 05/29/2012 02:43 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
> you may want to use 'glissando-skip.
> See the example below and ‘glissando-skip.ly’  in
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/input/regression/collated-files.html

The idea is to alternate between two strings of the violin (or any
string instrument).  The stem has to make clear which of the strings
will be attacked.

I was trying to make a solution around this problem, separation the
right and left hand actions in two different staffs.

I think that's slightly less complicated way to do this in LilyPond...

BTW I came across a problem with grace notes with chord glissandi. Is
there a way to make the grace note appear BEFORE the barline?

Any suggestion is welcome!

\score {
    \new StaffGroup  {
      \new Staff {
            <b' fih'> \glissando \grace { <aih' eeh'>8 }
          \new Staff
          \with {
            \clef tab
            \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #4

            fontSize = #-3
          } {
            \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
            d'8 b d' b d' b d' b

Bernardo Barros

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