Jeff Barnes <> writes:

>> From: Joseph Rushton Wakeling <>
>>On 30/05/12 02:12, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
>>> One of the problems of LilyPond is that C++ had very poor support for
>>> things we desperately need: reflection, automatic memory management
>>> and callbacks.
>>How about D?
> Also, consider Qt. It has all of the above. Qt makes it pretty easy
> for devs who started out with higher-level languages to become
> productive in C++.

And while we are discussing GUI developing frameworks, we should not
lightly discard Visual Basic.

Let's shelve this discussion for the current point of time.  I am not
exactly convinced it is making progress focusing on goals that are both
attainable as well as desirable from a technical point of view.

David Kastrup

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