Hello Philip,

you might use markup-lists. In markups, the parens are typeset:


\version "2.15.40"

% should run in 2.14

% define a music-function, to convert a markup-list to a list of LyricEvents

lyricmarkup = #(define-music-function (parser location mup)(markup-list?)

(make-music 'SequentialMusic

'elements (map

(lambda (syl) (make-music 'LyricEvent

'text syl

'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1 1)))


% a test


\new Staff \new Voice = "mel" \relative c'' {

c4. b8 a4 cis


\new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel"

\lyricmode {

\lyricmarkup \markuplist { (oo bi doo) }
% override can't be inside markuplist!

\once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT





But you can't use lyric-overrides inside the markup-list - so if you use a lot them, this will not be helpful :-(
... and using \lyricmarkup \markuplist {} is a lot to type ...

But still, you might try it ;-)

Cheers, Jan-Peter

On 11.06.2012 15:04, Philip Thomas wrote:
Dear fellow-users,

I'm working on a vocal piece in which some lyrics are in parentheses, but
the opening parentheses don't appear in the output PDF file. The closing
parentheses are fine. By way of example, here's a couple of bars from the


\version "2.14.2"

\relative c'

\new Voice = "melody" {
   \time 12/8
   fis2.( f |
   a4.) a4 g8 g4 f8 f4. |
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {
   blue __ (oo -- by -- doo -- by -- doo)

I have looked but haven't succeeded in finding a reference to this in the
documentation or on the forum, but at this stage I don't feel confident in
reporting it as a bug. Any advice would be appreciated. Apologies, as usual,
if I've missed an existing solution or explanation.

BTW, I know that I can solve the problem with a work-around, e.g. enclosing
the syllable concerned in quotes as "(oo" produces the correct result, but
it's not a very elegant solution, especially for repeated instances.



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