Hi David, what do you mean by assignments? I'm not a native speaker
and not familiar with programming. Is assignments a fix set of command?
Hello Kai,
it's the assignment of a variable in lily-syntax:
% allowed
musik = \relative c'' { bes a c b }
% not allowed
\score {
musik = \relative c'' { bes a c b }
that means, that a construct [var = value] (without []) may never be
inside { ... } or << ... >>
You might trick that:
parserDefine = #(define-music-function (parser location name
mus)(symbol? not-null?)
(ly:parser-define! parser name mus)
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))
and then use
\parserDefine #'musik \relative c'' { c e d b }
parserDefine now is a music-function and can be used anywhere. This way
the variable musik can be assigned and afterwords called via \musik
... but I woudn't recommend it! This might have *side-effects* and can
lead to badly organized code!
Cheers, Jan-Peter
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