I think you need to put a \transpose inside the chordnames{}, too

On 25 June 2012 11:40, MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com> wrote:

> Here is the sample code.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%start
> \version "2.14.2"
> global = {\key g \major   \time 4/4  \tempo 4 = 72}
>  sopranoA = \relative c''
>  { \global
>           \repeat volta 3 {
>  \bar "|:" a4 b4 a4 b4 |
>   c2 c2 | g2 r2
>          }
>           \alternative {
>  {  c8 b8 g8 g8~ g8 a8 b8 b8(~ | b8 a4.~ a2~ | a1^\markup {"D.S. al
> Fine"}) }
>   { g2  r2^\markup {"Fine"} }
>            }
> \bar "||"  \label #'lastPage
> }
>  harmonies = {
>       \chordmode {
>                     g2 d2: e1:m    c1
>                      d1 g2 d2 e1 d2
>                     d1
>               }
>       }
>   \score {
> \new ChoirStaff <<
> <<
>     \context ChordNames {
>       \harmonies
>           }
> >>
>     \new Staff <<     %\transpose g d
>       \new Voice = "soprano" << {
>         \global
>        { \sopranoA     }
>                                 }
>       >>
>     >>
> >>
> \layout { }
> }
> \markup { \line {"<< transpose g d >>"}}
>   \score {
> \new ChoirStaff <<
> <<
>     \context ChordNames {
>       \harmonies
>           }
> >>
>     \new Staff <<     \transpose g d
>       \new Voice = "soprano" << {
>         \global
>        { \sopranoA     }
>                                 }
>       >>
>     >>
> >>
> \layout { }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%end
> Blessing in+,
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Ramana Kumar <ram...@member.fsf.org>
> *To:* MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com>
> *Cc:* lilypond-usermailinglist <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> *Sent:* Monday, June 25, 2012 1:22:15 AM
> *Subject:* Re: transpose chords?
> Please send a code example so we can see exactly what you are doing.
> On Jun 25, 2012 1:59 AM, "MING TSANG" <tsan...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Hi, lily user:
> I use \transpose g d on a melody song.  The transpose is fine, but I
> notice the chord is not transposed.   How to do transpose of chord together
> with transpose of melody?
> Blessing in+,
> Ming.
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