File Documentation/notation/changing-defaults.itely (right):
Documentation/notation/changing-defaults.itely:1024: @code{\new Staff
\with @{ alignAboveContext = #"main" @} }
remember that you're not supposed to have any initial spaces inside an
@example.  Your other patches made sense because those @examples were
clearly smaller parts of a longer @example so the extra spaces were ok,
but here I think there should be no spaces.
Documentation/notation/changing-defaults.itely:1036: found elsewhere ---
see the @q{See also} section below.
where, exactly?  should I be looking in Installed files, or application
usage, or...?

I'd rather see an exact @rlearning{Nesting} or
@rlsr{Vocal,can-we-link-to-direct-snippet-names?} or something like

PS no wait, if there's an exact snippet that shows this, it should be
included directly on this page.
File Documentation/notation/vocal.itely (right):
On 2012/07/06 11:21:14, PhilEHolmes wrote:
One for Graham really, but it strikes me as wrong to add an example
showing what
is effectively incorrect output.  I would have thought it better to
simply say
the lyrics go below the bottom staff unless you tell them explicitly
where to go
like this...

I agree.  If you're deliberately showing wrong syntax, I suggest it
should be in @knownissues (which we could possibly rename to "known
confusions" or something like that)

Phil's suggestion has the added bonus of keeping this subsection more
compact.  :)

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