Hi List,

I want to add some information on the composer under the score. it should have 
picture (xxx.eps) at the left and a justified text on the right with a small 
white space between. Picture and text should be aligned at the top and the the 
text should run along the picture. The following unwanted results I had already:

* Picture overlaid text, both aligned at the left border of page
* Picture and first line of text at the wanted places, but the second line of 
the text _under_ the picture with a lot of white space below the first line.
* Picture at the right place and text justified but pushed to about the middle 
of the page and consequently going over the edge of the page.

my last try looked like this.

\version "2.15.41" 
\markup { \vspace #10 
        \fill-line { 
                \column {                       
                        \general-align #Y #UP {
                                \epsfile #X #20 #"Louis_Lewandowski.eps" 
                } \hspace #1
                \column { 
                        \wordwrap { 
                                \bold { Louis Lewandowski } (* 3. April 1821 in 
Wreschen, Provinz Posen, Preußen, heute Września, Polen. † 4. Februar 1894 in 
Berlin) war ein deutsch-jüdischer Komponist, der vor allem durch die 
Neubelebung und Öffnung der jüdischen Liturgie bekannt wurde. \italic { (nach 
Wikipedia. Stand: 12.7.2012) } }

what am I doing wrong? Is there a keyword, that I must search the manual with 
in order to find more info on this?

I hope the code example is explanatory even without the actual eps-file.

best regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

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