Am 19.07.2012 22:38, schrieb Thomas Morley:

how about:

\version "2.14.2"

top = \change Staff = "1"
bottom = \change Staff = "2"

musicB = \relative c {
     \new Voice { \voiceOne e''4 e }
     \new Voice { \override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #1 \bottom c,,8 g'
\top e' c' }


\score {
   \new PianoStaff<<

     \new Staff = "1" { \musicB }
     \new Staff = "2" { \clef bass s4 c }


I would say I tried everything including moving the \override around. But since the music has more notes than that what I've posted (surprise!) I need the \voiceTwo. So the important thing was to switch temporarily to \oneVoice when an auto-knee beam is required.


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