On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:40 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> before further delaying the announcement due to minor issues (for
> example, OpenStreetMap wants to have the meeting occur in an electrical
> power transformer array), here is the web site with the information.
> I'll add forgotten information by and by, but the important thing is to
> get the travel information and the dates and give feedback about who
> wants to come and when, and what sleeping arrangements should be made.
> Location is Waltrop near Dortmund in Germany, date is August 24th to
> 28th.  Here is the web site, and the agenda for starters.
> <URL:http://news.lilynet.net/?LilyPond-meeting-in-Waltrop>
> Agenda
> A number of core LilyPond contributors have agreed to come. Apart from
> myself, Graham, Mike, possibly John, Valentin (?), Janek, Marc, Thomas
> Morley will be present. Depending on their travel dates, I will try to
> arrange workshops and discussion groups for particular topics. It is
> likely that we will have more basic programming tutorials and exchanges
> at the weekend to accommodate weekend travellers. We definitely should
> get several people able to roll releases, and more able to run the
> regression tests on issues.
> Tutorial topics might be working on the parser, Scheme programming,
> integrating Guile with C++, LilyPond architecture, advanced LilyPond
> constructs (output definitions, contexts, translators, listeners,
> \dots), Texinfo writing, productivity with Emacs.
> Of course, performing music is also possible. I can offer a variety of
> accordions (though only one with piano keys), a guitar and basic MIDI
> and recording equipment. So it would also be an option to compare ways
> of getting MIDI into LilyPond.
> Of course, the common consumption of solid and liquid forms of
> sustenance is also scheduled.
> --
> David Kastrup
> _______________________________________________
> lilypond-devel mailing list
> lilypond-de...@gnu.org
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Hi All!
is the meeting open to all users? I would be very interested in
coming, as I would love to learn a bit more of the program's internals
and how to interact with scheme. I can also help a bit for the
releases (my c++ is a bit rusty, but well...) and I have no fear of
the build system (well, mostly, but I had to compile stuff much more
involved than Lilypond)
Another thing I would like to talk about is using Lilypond in a
professional print environment. In my University we are starting a new
series of printed music books ("Musik aus Schweizer Klöstern") and
Lily will be the tool for engraving all the music (well, "will be" at
90%, you never know what can happen in environments like this, but we
are already making the layout of the next three books in Lily) - so
discussions on long term archival of the music sources, how to setup a
workflow with other people and like are all interesting to me.

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