Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmx.net> writes:

> I am typesetting a modern piece with a lot of meter
> changes. Additionally I want to keep the original layout while I am
> editing the score. Therefor I defined a timeline and a breaks block. I
> got a mystic warning that puzzled me:
> warning: forced break was overridden by some other event, should you
> be using bar checks?
> Bar checks did not gave any help. I experimented with block comments
> to identify the line(s) that caused the warning. Finally I found that
> this warning vanishes when I don't use the \acciatura after the
> \break.
> - Can I keep my concept of manual breaks and avoid this warning? The
> acciatura is part of the music and should not be removed.
> - Is there a way to isolate this without try and error?
> Regards,
> Helge
> \version "2.15.38"
> timeline = {
>   %49
>   \time 12/8    s8*12 | \bar "||"
>   %50
>   \time 9/8    s8*9 | s8*9 | s8*9 |
> }
> breaks = {
>   %49
>   s8*12 |
>   s8*9 | \break
> }
> up = \relative c' {
>   %49
>   dis4. e fis g |
>   %50 9/8
>   a! g fis |
>   \acciaccatura{b8}a4. g fis8 g a |
> % without  \acciaccatura there is no warning:
> %  a4. g fis8 g a |
> }
> \score {
>   \new Staff=up { << \timeline \breaks \up >> }
> }

breaks = {
  s8*12 |
  s8*9 | \break \grace{s8}

David Kastrup

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