The fermata in the bass clef in the attached pdf is too low, it's
right on top of the upper note in the chord. The source follows. If I
put the \fermata command in the "leftSecond" line, the fermata appears
below the music. Is there a way that I can put the fermata above the
notes, not clashing with it?

Here's the source:

\version "2.14.0"

\include ""

global = {
        \time 4/4
        \key e \minor

rightFirst = \relative c'' { \time 4/4
b4 a g8( fs e fs | <<g4) e>> <<g4 e>> a a | <<b2.\fermata fs>> s4 | 

rightSecond = \relative c'' {\time 4/4
fs,8 e fs ds b2 | s2 e8 g fs e | s1 |

leftFirst = \relative c' { \time 4/4
b4 fs e8 fs g a | b4 b c8 e ds e | s2. \fermata s4  |

leftSecond = \relative c {\time 4/4
ds8 cs ds b e2( | e8) fs g e c! b c4 | <<ds'2. b, >> s4 |

\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = right << \clef treble
   { << \global \rightFirst >> }
  \\ { << \global \rightSecond >>} 
 \new Staff = left << \clef bass
  { << \global \leftFirst >>}
  \\ {<< \global \leftSecond  >>}

Tim Slattery

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