The package doesn't have real installation instructions (or even an installation procedure) yet (something for 0.1, a first official release).

Fortunately xelatex-ubuntu is what I have, so I can tell you how you will make it work.

One issue is that there are included files in a subfolder. (I assume I'll have to do something about that for a 'real' packaged version.)

As a dirty quick 'installation' I recommend:

 * place lilyglyphs.sty and the complete definitions/ folder somewhere
   on your disk, e.g. in a directory ~/lilyglyphs.
 * place the Emmentaler OTF file from the OTF folder in ~/.fonts
   (Maybe you have to run "fc-cache" afterwards to update your
   fontconfig cache - but I don't know for sure, I can't do any harm
 * create symlinks to lilyglyphs.sty and the definitions/ folder _in
   the directory_ where your .tex file is located:
   ln -s ~/lilyglyphs/lilyglyphs.sty
   ln -s ~/lilyglyphs/definitions
   -> This is going to pretend that the package is in the same dir as
   your .tex file.
   Alternatively you can (for testing the package) put your .tex file
   in the directory where lilyglyphs.sty is.

You may get long lists of 'kpathsea' errors. This is what I had on some of my computers (not only with this package but also earlier with other OpenType fonts and fontspec). I finally found out that this happened when I had 'activated' the respective fonts with a font manager (FontMatrix). When all these references were away, fontspec worked fine.

Hope this helps (works)

Am 16.08.2012 13:37, schrieb Stefan Thomas:
Dear Urs,
how can I install this package in my xelatex-system on ubuntu?

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