On 17 août 2012, at 13:06, mkuus...@siba.fi wrote:

> On 16.8.2012, at 23:00, Tiresia GIUNO <tires...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 21:05:12 -0700
>> mkuus...@siba.fi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can any of you Lilypond people tell me why the "\override Hairpin
>>> #'minimum-length …" does not actually seem to control the length of
>>> the hairpin? Am I missing something here?
>>> \version "2.14.2"
>>> \relative c'' { 
>>>     \once \override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #5 \afterGrace
>>> c4\<  s1\! c4 c4 c4
>>>     % here the hairpin is too short
>>>     \once \override Hairpin #'minimum-length = #5 \afterGrace
>>> c4\<\ppp  s1\!\fz c4 c4 c4 }
>>> regards,
>>> Mika Kuuskankare
>> The minimum-lenght property is set by default at 2.0 (staff spaces),
>> see:
>> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/internals/hairpin
>> In the second bar of your example, setting it to #5, it's still too
>> short, because you added dynamics as well (ppp and fz). If you want the
>> same lenght of the first hairpin you should increase the minimum-lenght
>> till #11 - or something like this.
>> Of course this will increase also the distance between the first two
>> notes.
>> Regards,
>> TG
> Hi,
> Yes, I realize that. I'm just wondering if the minimum-lenght property does 
> what it is supposed to do? In my second case the length of the hairpin itself 
> is much shorter than what the minimum suggests… 
> I can see that the doc says it *tries* to make a spanner at least that long… 
> can you force this?
> Mika Kuuskankare
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This is not an ideal solution, but you can do an override that increases the 
requested minimum length of a crescendo by half the length of each dynamic that 
bookends it plus the padding on each end.  It'd take some Scheming, but this'd 
guarantee what you're after.

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