Hi Joe,

On 11/08/12 06:28, Joe Neeman wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Federico Bruni
> <fedel...@gmail.com <mailto:fedel...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> NR 4.1.6, \paper variable for page breaking 
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/__Documentation/notation/other-___005cpaper-variables#___005cpaper-variables-for-page-__breaking
> I'd like to force the add of a blank page in case the number of 
> pages in a book is odd. I guess I should use
> blank-last-page-force.
> I had a look at ly/paper-defaults-init.ly 
> <http://paper-defaults-init.ly> to see the default values and I
> see that penalty values are numbers. Default value of
> blank-last-page-force is 0, so I guess that as I increase the
> number it's more likely to get the blank page.
> No, lilypond will never put a blank page at the end. You could
> probably achieve that in a pdf editor.�
> Also, the definition is not very clear, because it doesn't say 
> explicitly what it actually does.. you have to guess it:
> ### blank-last-page-force The penalty for ending the score on an
> odd-numbered page. ###
> If you make blank-last-page-force large and use
> ly:page-turn-breaking, then lilypond will be unlikely to produce a
> score where the last page is odd-numbered. Instead, it will adjust
> the spacing in order to use one page more or fewer.

How about calling this property allow-widow-recto-last-page?
Maybe it's a bit of a mouthful, but it describes what it does on the
can: the higher you set the value the less likely it is that
ly:page-turn-breaking will produce a last page that is recto page if
you're interested in doing duplex printing when you produce the PDF.

"Widow" is used for lonely single lines in typography when the rest of
the paragraph is set after a page break.

Recto (normally) means odd-numbered (if you're starting page numbering
at 1) because it's the right-hand page of a double-page spread,
verso is the left-hand page of the spread, and is generally

Just a thought I had in the bath after reading this thread.



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