
I would like to ask for some advice on writing functions using Scheme.
I'm looking to have a up fermata object with parenthesis, at the beginning
I was using *make-dynamic-script* to achieve that (of course I had to use ^
or _ to properly place it). Now I'm using *make-music* specifying the
direction with *'direction UP*.

My questions are:
1. Fermata seems to be a musicglyph, so neither make-music nor
make-dynamic-script should be used?
2. In case of using make-dynamic-script, how can the direction be specified
on the function?
3. Is there a better way to achieve this?


*parenUFermata* =



   'direction UP

   'text (markup #:line


              (#:halign 6.4

               #:normal-text "("

               #:musicglyph "scripts.ufermata"

               #:normal-text ")" ))))

Daniel E. Moctezuma
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