I always love hearing about people using lilypond, especially when
there's some sheet music or videos to watch.  Here's a nice story
of LilyPond use.

He's also made some nice instructional videos about
lilypond+Frescobaldi.  It would be neat if somebody translated
those into English, or French, or any other languages.  I'm not
eager to be hosting videos ourselves, but we could embed youtube
videos into a web page in Introduction->videos.

- Graham

----- Forwarded message from Server Acim <servera...@gmail.com> -----

Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 00:45:33 +0300
From: Server Acim <servera...@gmail.com>
To: Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>
Subject: A Letter from a Turkish Composer and LilyPond user...

Dear Graham Percival,

I am a composer, Linux Mint User and GNU/LilyPond user.
I am also a music teacher at the Inonu University-State Conservatory,
Malatya, TURKEY.
I am also the Head Director of State Conservatory.

I am a volunteer about promoting my students to use GNU/LilyPond. I am
giving a lesson that is titled as "Free and Open Source Music Softwares and
Operation Systems" to the students who they are taking lesson at the first
year of Masters Degree of Music. This lessons go on for two semesters and
contain the topics like  "Free Software Philosophy, Linux Story, Linus OS,
Music Softwares in Linux and then GNU/LilyPond and Frescobaldi editor".

I also prepared a web page for my students that includes information and
some videos about GNU/LilyPond and Frescobaldi editor. Here are some links:

And as a composer I typeset my work with GNU/LilyPond and here you can see
and download the score of my work:

And this work is performed by my friends at the US. Here is the video in

The goal of this mail is to let you know that there is a Turkish composer
who uses Gnu/LilyPond with a great love and passion.

With my respects.


Server ACİM
- Besteci (Composer)
- İnönü Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı Öğretim Uyesi (University
Academic Staff)
- Linux kullanicisi, katkicisi ve destekcisi (Linux user, contributor and

----- End forwarded message -----

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