
I'm trying to create a lilypond file that will output this:

But I just don't get it!

I have this .ly file which contains part of the score, but I struggle with the repeats and the changing of \time

%--- Beginning of ly file
\version "2.15.95"

\header {
  title = "Jazz Etude One"
  composer = "Jimmy Wyble"

global = {
  \time 3/4
  \key f \major
  \tempo 4=144
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()

upperOne = {
  c8 gis e c r4

upperTwo = {
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  a'2 a4
  \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  bes2 b4. d8
  \time 3/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  c2 ees4
  d4. c8 (c4)
  b2 r4
  bes8 c des ees

upperAltA =
  \time 5/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  e4 b c' bes,! aes'

upperAltB = {
  \time 3/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  <c, e>4 <c f>4 bes'4

upperThree = {
  b4 c, des
  bes,8 c des bes ees4

lowerOne = {
  e,8 c ges c bes ges

lowerTwo = {
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  f b c d e c
  \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  d f, g gis f' d gis, d''
  \time 3/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  a,8 e' ees g c g
  fis ees d fis d aes
  g des' ees f g a
  c, fis bes f e c

lowerAltA =
  \time 5/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  f8 a, bes! ges' f des g, f' e c

lowerAltB =
  \time 3/4
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  f8 a, aes ges' (ges4)

lowerThree = {
  g,8 d' des f bes c, (c2.)
  g8 fis' f4 e!8 c

    % Voice "1"
    \relative c'' {
      \repeat volta 2 \upperTwo
      \alternative {  \upperAltA \upperAltB }

  \\ {
    % Voice "2"
    \relative c'' {
      \repeat volta 2 \lowerTwo
      \alternative { \lowerAltA \lowerAltB }

%--- End of ly file

// Anders
English isn't my first language.
So any error or strangeness is due to the translation.
Please correct my English so that I may become better.

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