Curt <> writes:

> I have an orchestral film cue where a percussionist waits a few bars,
> plays a few glockenspiel notes, waits several bars, and switches to
> suspended cymbal for a roll. It seems a waste of score space to make
> it two separate staves. But I am having trouble figuring out how to
> switch from \drummode to \notemode in the same staff (or vice versa).
> Here's the shortest example I can come up with that illustrates the
> problem. Is there a way to either put melody notes in a DrumStaff, or
> drummode in a normal Staff? The documentation led me to believe the
> below approach should work (not sure if that's the documentation's
> problem or my problem. :-) ).
> Thanks again,
> Curt
> \version "2.16.00"
> \include ""
> \drums {
> ss hh
> \clef treble
> \notemode { a b c }
> }


\include ""

\drums \with { \accepts "Voice" }
  ss hh
  \new Voice { \notemode { \clef treble a b c } }

David Kastrup

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