Hi, I'm using Lilypond.app 2.16 on Mac 10.7.4.  (The change log says 10.7 is 
supported now.)

lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x 

shows that I have Gloucester MT Extra Condensed available as a font for me.  
Font Book shows it as being in True Type and Open Type format.

I try specifying it in my lilypond score file:

                \override TimeSignature #'font-name = "Gloucester MT Extra 
                \override TimeSignature #'font-size = #2

and it just comes at as some sort of plain sans serif looking thing.  I don't 
get any error messages or warnings.

Is there something extra I have to do to make lilypond see my fonts?  I saw the 
thing in the docs about "fondu" but that only looked relevant for the ".dfont" 
system fonts on os x.


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