On 04/09/12 15:12, pabuhr wrote:
The following snippet illustrates two problem I'm struggling with.

1. In the first bar, the finger number "2" is not beside the B note because of
    the sharp above it in a different voice. I can tweak the finger number back
    into position beside the B note, but I have a number of these cases in the
    piece I'm working on so is there a global way to prevent this interaction
    between accidents and finger numbers in parallel voices?

2. In the second bar, the A note stem is clashing slightly with the D note
    above it. I've tried to push the A note to the right using \shiftOnnn, but
    I've run out of "n"s. ;-) How can I push the A note further to the right to
    avoid the stem clash?

\version "2.16.0"
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 30)

su = \stemUp
sd = \stemDown
fl = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)

melody = \relative c'' {
        << { \sd \fl c,4 <b-2> } \\ { \su \fl g'8\rest g8 gs4 } \\ { \su \fl e'4. d8 
~ } >> |
        << { \sd \fl a,4 d } \\ { \su \fl \shiftOnnn a'4. } \\ { \su \fl \shiftOff d8 c4 
<c fs>8 } >> |
\score {
                \context Voice {
                        \key c \major \time 2/4

For problem 1, if you add \override Fingering #'script-priority = #-100 to the voice with the fingering on the B, then the fingering indication will sit in its normal position next to the note. However, this will also mean that if the notes in the two voices are only separated in pitch by a third, then the fingering will not avoid the accidental and you will have a collision between the two.

For problem 2, see the function ncShift below.

\version "2.16.0"
\language english
#(set-global-staff-size 30)

ncShift = #(define-music-function (parser location move) (number?) #{
    \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #move

su = \stemUp
sd = \stemDown
fl = \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)

melody = \relative c'' {
        { \override Fingering #'script-priority = #-100
            \sd \fl c,4 <b-2>
        } \\ { \su \fl g'8\rest g8 gs4 } \\ { \su \fl e'4. d8 ~ } >> |
<< { \sd \fl a,4 d } \\ { \su \fl \ncShift #0.8 a'4. } \\ { \su \fl \ncShift #0 d8 c4 <c fs>8 } >> |
\score {
        \context Voice {
            \key c \major \time 2/4

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