Hello Stefan,

I had that same error a couple of hours ago and I fixed like this on my
bash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


lilypond-book --pdf \
              --include="$CURRENT_DIR" \
              --output="$TEMP_DIR" \
              "$INPUT_FILE" && \
(cd "$TEMP_DIR" && \
 pdflatex yourfile.tex && \
 mv "$OUTPUT_FILE" ..) && \
rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"

notice that I used the unix command "pwd", also note that I added to the
options with double quotes (--include="$CURRENT_DIR") so there would not be
problems if the path has whitespaces.
Also I think you can change the .lytex extension for .tex, but not really

I have to say that I didn't get what I was expecting because I was adding a
title page to a lilypond file (using a \book {} section) that resulted on a
nice title page but a big indented music. So I compiled the title page and
the music separately and joined them with pdfunite (from poppler-utils), if
any has an explanation of why this happens or a better way to achieve it
would be very appreciated.

Daniel E. Moctezuma
lilypond-user mailing list

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