Hi Peter.

2012/9/7 Peter Gentry <peter.gen...@sunscales.co.uk>:
>>> As a small example setting various swiches true/false in the
>>paper block often seems to have no effect - I guess the reason is that
>>> those switches are irrelevant in the context.
>>This should never be the case.  Please give examples.
> This is the top level paper block I often use
>  \paper {
>             print-page-number = ##t
>             print-first-page-number = ##f
>             oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
>                                        \fill-line {
>                                        \on-the-fly 
> #print-page-number-check-first
>                                        \null \fontsize #2  \fromproperty 
> #'header:mycustomtext
>                                        \fontsize #2  \fromproperty 
> #'page:page-number-string
>                                                   } % end of fill line
>                                       } % end of markup block
>             evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup
>          } % end of paper block
> 1. the first page footer always has the page number - I didn't want it.
> 2. changing the values for print-page-number and or print-first-page-number 
> "appear" to have no effect

Regarding the page number problem, you should place "\on-the-fly
#print-page-number-check-first" immediately before "\fromproperty

\on-the-fly checks if a condition is true and in that case it prints
the markup that immediately follows: you were applying \on-the-fly
check to \null.

See Notation Reference, section 3.2.2 "Custom headers footers and
titles", subsection "Custom layout for headers and footers" for a more
precise definition of \on-the-fly behaviour and for a list of other
conditions that can be checked.

Best wishes,

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