Having had my share of gripes re the manuals I am now a "born again" supporter 
- they are great (not perfect) but great.

I recommend that you download all the relevant manuals as pdfs to a folder 
withing your Lilypond data file group and use the
advanced search to check through all the manuals when you want some 
information. As an example I noticed that \markuplines now
produces an error message - one quick search for \markuplines found the changes 
manual which explained a rename - took about 20
seconds (mostly slow grey cell time).

The notation manual is particularly good - the learning manual is fine never 
seen a problem with writing exclusively in absolute. 

Like most normal people I find relative hard to get my head round and always 
end up with the wrong octave somewhere or other usually
ending up beyond the range of the human ear. If you import music from other 
programs absolute is the way to go - why is relative
favoured so much? Imagine reading a printed score if it used relative notation 
(if that were possible).

Peter Gentry 

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