On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:50:01PM +0200, Thomas Morley wrote:
> 2012/9/13 Paul Scott <waterho...@ultrasw.com>:
> > Oops!  The code would help.
> >
> > On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 01:58:35PM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
> >> Is it possible for drummode and notes to occupy the same staff
> >> in a score?  Like a single percussion line where the player moves
> >> between mallet instruments and various drums, etc.
> >>
> >> Here is an example of what I have accomplished so far.  I don't seem to
> >> be able to really invoke drummode since the sn and bd notes are not on
> >> the default lines.

Thank you!!


> \version "2.16.0"
> \new Staff \with { \accepts "DrumVoice" }
>   \relative c' {
>     R1*4
>     \clef treble % 68
>     r8 ^"XYLOPHONE" ^\markup\italic{md. hrd. mallets} a[ a a] a[ a a a] % 69
>     c8 [ c8 r8 a8 ] a8 [ a8 a8 a8 ] | %70
>     c8 [ c8 ] r4 r2 | % 71
>     r8 a8 [ a8 a8 ] a8 [ a8 a8 a8] % 72
>     c8 [ c8 r8 a8 ] a8 [ a8 a8 a8] % 73
>     c8 [ c8 ] c4 r8 a8 [ d8 d8] % 74
>     a8 [ c8 r8 a8 ] d8 [ d8 a8 c8] % 75
>     c8[ a8 e'8 e8] a,8[ c8 c8 a8] % 76
>     R1*2^\markup{ \italic {to s.d.} }
>     R1*2
>     \new DrumVoice
>     \drummode {
>             \clef "percussion"
>             sn8 sn sn r bd bd bd r
>             ss hh
>     }
>     \new Voice \relative c' { \clef treble c d e f g a }
>   }
> See:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2012-08/msg00695.html
> ff
> HTH,
>   Harm

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