2012/9/24 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) <lilypondt...@organum.hu>:
> Dear LilyPond users,
> after a month of struggling with an official jEdit plugin repository
> release, I decided to release the last revision of the LilyPondTool plugin
> as a zip file.

Thanks, good work!

> I've switched to MuseScore, and I am very happy with that. If you are
> interested in my adventures there and my reasons to leave LilyPond, follow
> my Musescore.com page and/or my blog.

On reading some of your entries, namely "how to remove the first time
signature" I suddenly remembered one of the reasons (among many
others) which made me switch off from Finale. The problem of "how to
remove unneeded measures", that in LilyPond is resolved as "just don't
put them there in the first place". When teaching Finale, I remember
it had the courtesy of welcoming you with a pageful of empty measures,
which newbies always wanted to delete immediately, but nobody knowed
how to, and the program doesn't help you with figuring out how to do
the task. If I wanted to teach this howto online, I had to write
longish explanations or make a video.

We used LilyPondTool extensively the first years. I am grateful to you!

Good luck!
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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