In the attached sample file, I have a fermata mark on a baline.
Unfortunately, the notes after the barline are quite high above the
staff, causing the fermata to move up even further:

\relative c''' {
  R1 \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" }
  a4(^"rit." b c) r

Does anyone know a way to make the mark reserve more horizontal space
(i.e. shift the following notes to the right) so that the fermata is
placed directly above the staff?


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * Edition Kainhofer, Music Publisher,
\version "2.17.0"

\paper {
  tagline = ##f 
% Is there any way to reserver more space for the mark, so 
% that it does not have to be shifted up so much.
% The solution needs to work both in the full score (i.e. 
% multiple staff groups with a \mark in each staff) and 
% in each instrument's score (in larger font)
\relative c''' {
  R1 \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" }
  a4(^"rit." b c) r

Attachment: lilypond-fermataMarkup-barline-vertical-shift.preview.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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