Hello Wim,

Thanks for this fast and detailed answer, it is much appreciated!

I'll put your suggestions in practise.
As for the current numbering error, I can circumvent it temporarily by forcing 
the expected numbers explicitly.

A nice day!


PS> Is there some site where I could contribute the results of my Lilypondings, 
such as the flute and bassoon parts of this Beethoven trio?

Le 29 oct. 2012 à 10:54:14, Wim van Dommelen <m...@wimvd.nl> a écrit :

> Hi Jacques,
> I'm not going to answer all your questions, that is just too much. One 
> advise: cut things in pieces and look for smaller problems. There is a LP 
> problem in the bar numbers in this case (which I really should register as a 
> bug, it increases the measure numbers twice for some reason). And indeed 
> \partial is NOT usable inside a part, because it was really only intended for 
> the beginning to set your barchecks on the right point. But you also don't 
> need it.
> For example some of your problems around bar 64 can be done like this, no 
> errors in my compile (using LP 2.16.0 on OS X):
> \version "2.16.0"
> \relative c {
>       % some easy debugging settings:
>       \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible
>       \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
>       \clef bass
>       \key bes \major
>       \time 6/8
> % because LP will omit this at the beginning of a score,
> % but would show if this was done in the middle:
>     \bar "|:"
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>               % bar number of the partial measure:
> %             \set Score.currentBarNumber = #63
>       \partial 8 d8\p |
>               % bar number of the next full measure:
>               \set Score.currentBarNumber = #64
>       bes'8( a) bes-. d4. |
>       d8( c) d-. ees4. ~  |
>       ees8( d) c ~ c bes4 |
>       bes4. a8 r d,\f |
>       bes'( a) bes-. c4. |
>       d8( c) d-. ees4. ~ |
>       ees8( d) c ~ c( bes) a-. |
> % here you just OMIT the barcheck!
>       g r r r4
>     }
>     \repeat volta 2 {
>               % bar number of the partial measure:
> %             \set Score.currentBarNumber = #71
> % because it is HERE!
>       d'8\p |
>               % bar number of the next full measure:
>               \set Score.currentBarNumber = #72
>       f8( es) d-. d( c) b?-. |
>       c16-.\f c,-. d-. ees-. f-.( g-. a-. b?-. c d es8) |
>       es(\p b) c-. c( bes?) a-. |
>       bes bes c d4 d,8\f |
>       bes'( a) bes-. c4. |
>       d8( c) d-. es4.\fermata\p |
>       d8-. d( c) bes-. bes( a) |
> % and again:
>       g4. r4
>     }
>     \key g \major
>     \time 2/4
> \break
>     \repeat volta 2 {
> % here is the check:
>       s4
>       r8 |
>       bes8-.\f r d-. r |
>       g-. r g-. r |
>       g f? e g |
>       fis? e d16 r r8 |
>     }
> }
> Notes:
> - Look carefully which barnumer is displayed where before drawing 
> conclusions. I did set both the partial bars and the whole bars, you can 
> leave out some of the lines, see for yourself;
> - Note the placement of the barchecks, I omit them after for example bar 72 
> before the volta ends, because the bar is not full yet, I place it after the 
> eight note in the second volta;
> - I substituted "bes8 (a)" for "bes8( a)". Although the second syntax also 
> works, I see the "(" symbol attached to notes, because the slurs start on 
> these notes;
> - I also substituted "^." for "-.", I let LP find out where to put the dot. 
> Only when it goes wrong (which i.m.h.o. is never) I state it explicitly.
> The spacing of the s4 (in the 2/4 section) is ugly, but I just placed a 
> \break so you see you can determine the line-break yourself. With more note 
> it will smooth out more. Otherwise throw out the \break line.
> Regards,
> Wim.
> On 28 Oct 2012, at 21:35 , Jacques Menu wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I've been using Lilypond for some time, but Beethoven's Trio X für Klavier, 
>> Flöte und Fagott causes me much trouble : "\partial" is not usable inside a 
>> part, and Thema andante con variazioni contains tricky rehearsals, like:
>> <TrickyRehearsalsWithIncompleteBars.tiff>
>> After fighting a lot with the problem, I found:
>> partialInline = #(define-music-function 
>>              (parser location nom den mus) 
>>              (integer? integer? ly:music?) 
>>      #{ 
>>      \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment (- $nom) $den) 
>>      $mus 
>>      #} 
>>      )
>> on the Internet.
>> This helped me obtain the above result, but doesn't solve all issues. 
>> In the remainder of the piece, I never figured out how to obtain the 
>> transition from variation IV to variation V:
>> <TransitionFromVar4ToVar5.tiff>
>> I always run into messages such as the following (hence my bar numbers are 
>> wrong) :
>>      Beethoven_WoO37_Fagott_ThemaAndanteConVariazioni.ly:493:16: warning: 
>> Barcheck failed got 79 expect 81 
>> because I don't know how to specify the correct "size" for the partial bars 
>> involved (by the way, bar number 64 is already wrong):
>> <ScoreFragment.tiff>
>> Here is the code I use:
>> \tempoMark #3.0 #"Var. IV"
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \repeat volta 2
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      {
>>      \partialInline #1 #8
>>      d'8\p |
>> \myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #65
>>      bes'8 (a) bes^. d4. |
>>      d8 (c) d^. ees4. ~  |
>>      ees8 (d) c ~ c bes4 |
>>      bes4. a8 r8 d,8\f |
>>      bes'8 (a) bes^. c4. |
>>      d8 (c) d^. ees4. ~ |
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \myBreak\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #71
>>      ees8 (d) c ~ c (bes) a^. |
>>      g8 r8 r8 r4
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      } %\repeat
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \repeat volta 2
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      {
>>      d'8^.\p |
>>      f8 (ees) d^.  d (c) b?^. |
>>      c16^.\f c,^. d^. ees^. f^. (g^. a^. b? c d ees8 ) |
>>      ees8\p (d) c^.  c (bes?) a^. |
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \myBreak\myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #76
>>      bes8 bes c d4 d,8\f |
>>      bes'8 (a) bes^. c4. |
>>      d8 (c) d^. ees4.\fermata\p |
>>      d8^. d (c) bes^. bes (a) |
>>      g4. r4
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      } %\repeat
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \key g \major
>> \time 2/4
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \break
>> \tempoMark #3.0 #"Var. V"
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> \repeat volta 2
>> % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      {
>>      \partialInline #1 #8
>>      r8 |
>> \myDisplayBarNum\barNumberCheck #81
>>      b8^.\f r8 d8^. r8 |
>>      g8^. r8 g8^. r8 |
>> A clean solution could be for Lilypond to handle this as is done for slurs, 
>> i.e. a set of "markers" such as ( and ) in the latter. I couldn't find 
>> anything in this redirection in the docs, though. Is there a hope that 
>> Lilypond might go this way?
>> Any help is welcome!
>> Regards,
>> PS>  I use Lilypond 2.15.11, since 2.16 and 2.17 fail to launch on Mac OS X 
>> 10.8.
>> --
>> Jacques Menu
>> Ch. de la Pierre 12
>> CH 1023 Crissier
>> mailto:jacques.m...@tvtmail.ch
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Bien à toi,
Bien à vous,


Jacques Menu
Ch. de la Pierre 12
1023 Crissier


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