On 30/10/12 13:36, Vaughan McAlley wrote:
> On 30 October 2012 13:09, Nick Payne <nick.pa...@internode.on.net> wrote:
>>       \new Voice {
>>         \set beamExceptions = #'((end . (((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2)))))
>>         \myNotes
>>       }
> Is there any alternative to setting \beamExceptions explicitly in
> every voice? That’s what I’m looking for...

Yes, you can set it at the Staff level:

\version "2.17.5"

upper = \relative c'' {

c8 c c c c c c c


lower = \relative c' {

c8 c c c c c c c


\score {

\new Staff {

\set Staff.beamExceptions = #'((end . (((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2)))))

\clef "treble"

\key c \major

\time 4/4


\new Voice { \voiceOne \upper }

\new Voice { \voiceTwo \lower }



\layout { }


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