On Tue, 30 Oct 2012 01:23:30 +0100
Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@fam.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> On 2012-10-30 00:46, Tiresia GIUNO wrote:
> > is there any reason why Lyrics on the two staves in the attached
> > example is not correctly vertical aligned?
> Yes, there is a reason. See e.g. Elaine Gould: Behind Bars -- The 
> Definitive Guide to Music Notation (published by Faber Music, 2011), 
> p.439, section "Syllable underlay"

> The syllable should be ranged left under the first notehead. This
> draws the eye to the right - an important consideration, since the
> singer always needs to be looking forward. 

> Since lilypond cannot determine automatically that your case might be 
> that very exception mentioned in the last sentence, it simply uses
> the default: centering the syllable to the single note in the first
> staff and left-aligning with the note in the second staff, since
> there the syllable is assigned to more than one note.
> Cheers,
> Reinhold

Thank you very much for your explanation. I understand the sense of
that "misalignment" in order to align the syllable according to the
melody more than to the single note. But shouldn't be: "The syllable
should be ranged _right_ under the first notehead"?

Thank you again,

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