
sorry for delay, i was very busy...

On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Wim van Dommelen <m...@wimvd.nl> wrote:
> But the top part of the example shown uses an include-file.
> That is not "tiny", anything can happen there. So I would add
> to the rules for a tiny example no use of include files.

You mean
\include "english.ly"
in the page about tiny examples?  Actually, english.ly is a file
bundled with Lilypond, which allows to spell note names with english
names ('fsharp' or 'fs' instead of 'fis'), so in this case we know
what can happen inside.
But in general i agree that tiny examples shouldn't contain any
\includes; however, i don't think we should explicitely write all
rules - the page would become too long.

> And the page tells about an example? What example you want:
> - what this example of a problem produces (everyone can grab the code and see 
> for himself, but showing it right away is much, much faster for everyone)
> - what the author wants to happen (likes something not accomplished but 
> desired)
> - or both (my preference)
> And how does one place an example there? (and remove
> when not valid anymore, for example if your tiny tie-problem --
> which is ugly indeed! -- is solved in a next version, this example
> may be updated with the text "Solved" and removed in the next run.)

sorry, i don't understand what you mean.

> P.S. My tiny example:
> Wanted attached in a small example (not realized), code I think should 
> produce it:
> \version "2.16.0"
> {
> \key f \major
> \time 4/4
> \slashedGrace {
> \stemDown
> d'32[ c']
> }
> \stemUp
> f32[c' f' g' a' g' f' c']
> }

Sorry, i don't understand.  Is there anything wrong with this code and
its output?


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